I am so excited that we are launching a fur babies collection! At our house we have a plethora of animals from dogs and cats to horses and bunnies. We even have a snake and a lizard. (Don't ask. I was suckered!) I have always felt like our pets are part of our family and I know so many of you feel the same way. Pets bring us such happiness and there is just something about coming home to a wagging tail and sloppy kisses from someone who has been waiting to greet you! That feeling of pure love that we get from these sweet creatures is nothing short of a miracle. I have always found it magical how even though we think we choose our pets in reality our pets choose us.
Anyway, I digress. To pay a little homage to these amazing friends we decided to start carrying a fun line of Tees to show off our love of these precious babies. We will of course be adding more items all the time and we encourage you to reach out to us if there is something you want us to carry. I am thinking of adding signs, mugs and maybe even doormats, who knows where my fur baby obsession will lead.
I want to see your precious little furry friends (even if they aren't furry, I still want to see them). Feel free to follow us on social media or send me a message. I am always dying to hear from you.
Love and Light,