It's December and for most people that means spending time with family and friends, eating way too much and for some enjoying some much needed time off. When you are a business owner this is generally the busiest time of year. Last minute orders are the norm at this time. Everyone is trying to get that one last gift ordered and as business owners we are always trying to get those last minute orders out the door in time for the holidays celebrations.
In our house this time of year is full with birthdays and other events as well as the holiday season. In fact today is my birthday. Normally we would be scrambling to try and get everything done before the rush. Baking, wrapping, our own last minute shopping. I know y'all can relate. This year has been a bit different for us. RV life isn't really conducive to baking so I opted out this year. No massive batches of Sandbaakles, pumpkin rolls or Grandma cookies being baked at our house this year. The kids are not so little anymore and instead of trees filled with presents we opted for adventures. Experiences that they will remember for a lifetime. Spending time together has become so precious for us as the kids are off to work and college and living their own lives. While it is amazing to see the fabulous adults that we have raised, a part of me is nostalgic for the times when they were little. I miss them waking up in the wee hours desperate to see what gifts were under the tree. Leaving cookies and milk for Santa and then waiting up and watching movies until they would fall asleep before his big arrival. I still buy everyone matching jammies and movie night will never go away. Old traditional Christmas movies are still a favorite in mine and Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus will always be read. I'm learning to accept that although these are traditions that I love it's ok if maybe things look a little different. I want our kids to start their own traditions and as they start families of their own I can't wait to share these with them. We would love to hear what family traditions you have.
The move put a bit of a kink in the works as we attempt to navigate working and building in a small town. Even though we are still working in the shop, we are preparing for our big move and much more space and the newest offerings that will be coming after the first of the year. We are so excited for the big changes in our home and our shop and we can't wait to share them with you. Keep an eye on our social media as we will actually be posting much more regularly in the new year. For the time being we are taking some time to relax and enjoy our family. We will be in and out while we travel for the holidays but we are still generally accessible. Thank you technology!
No matter what holiday you celebrate we wish you the best of holiday seasons and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!