Welcome to Craft-time Chronicles

Welcome to Craft-time Chronicles

We are going to be starting something new here at Magic in the Making. Welcome to Craft-time Chronicles. Lots of people love our fun tees and other items and want to know about the creative process behind the things that we make. We are going to start talking about that here. I guess now is as good a time as any so, here we go.

I love that I get to have a job that allows me to be creative and focus on fun and magical things all day. Sometimes that process is easier than other times. One of my favorite things that I get to do is to make custom items for clients. Sometimes the client knows exactly what they want and I am honored when they choose me to help them create that vision. Other times the vision is a bit more fluid and sometimes blurry. I get to take a basic idea and run with it to create a truly unique and one of a kind item. Sometimes there is no vision and that is where things can get tricky.

One of the questions people ask me the most is how I come up with inspiration and to be honest that is often a hard question to answer. I could tell you all about the beauty that surrounds me in my pacific Northwest home or I could talk about there perhaps being something coded into my DNA (everyone in my family is creative in one way or another) But the truth is inspiration often comes at the most inopportune times for me. Often I wake with a vision of what I want to create. Sometimes I am walking around the grocery store and hear a conversation that strikes a chord in me. I have learned to carry a notebook with me everywhere because let me just tell you, I am forgetful and if I don't have the ability to write it down it will be lost into the nether before inspiration strikes again.

I too suffer from decision fatigue and sometimes I doubt that that items I create will resonate with people. I am learning that our people are out there and not every thing is going to be right for everyone and that's ok. Part of the joy in being a creative is knowing that art is subjective. I would love to hear what inspires you and how you use your creative outlet. Drop me line and lets talk about all things crafty!

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